Surprise your customers on special occasions with E-Coupon.
E-Coupon is one of the most common tools used to offer promotion and benefit to customers. You can create unlimited coupon There are five different types of coupons that you can choose from for different goals.

5 different types of Loga E-Coupons;
- Welcome: Automatically send to ONLY newly subscribed members.
- Birthday: Automatically send to the subscribed members on the first day of their birth month.
- Default: Automatically send to BOTH existing and new members.
- Gift: Manually send to specific members.
- Pass: Use to authenticate users before attend activities within a given time period.
How to create Loga coupons
1. Go to and use your username and password to log-in
2. Select “Coupons”

3. Click “+New Coupon”

4. Then you need to fill these information as shown below;
- Description
- Choose or upload image (Recommended image size: 810 x 270 px)
- Set “Usable from”
- Choose type of coupon
- Click “Advanced” to set more conditions

5. After you have made sure your coupon information is correct, click “Save”

6. Your coupon has been created

How to edit coupon’s details
1. Select the coupon that you want to revise.

2. Click “Edit” button

3. You can edit Coupon detail, Usable from (Date) and Send on (Date)

4. After you have made sure your coupon information is correct, click “Save”

How to check coupon’s history
1. Select the coupon that you want to check.

2. Click “History” tab.

3. The screen will show status of coupon; Recieved, Used, Remark

4. You can export history as Microsoft Excel Worksheet by click “Export history”